Aestella Clinic

Biomimetic restoration

True-to-life restorative treatment


Biomimetic filling prices:

  • Biomimetic filling I. - 32.500 Ft
  • Biomimetic filling II - 37.500 Ft
  • Biomimetic filling III - 42.500 Ft
  • premium quality
  • lifelike end result
  • a timeless solution
  • made of microhybrid composite material
  • outstanding wear resistance

Restoration is one of the most commonly used restorative treatments for tooth decay worldwide. In addition to restoring the health of your teeth, it also plays many other important roles, such as improving jaw function, biting and chewing. Thanks to the adhesive technique of biomimetic filling, we offer a long-lasting, lifelike treatment.

When do you need biomimetic restoration?

In most cases, cavities can be seen with the naked eye, because the surface of the grooves is covered with a brownish-blackish lesion. In more advanced stages, it can also cause sudden, sharp pain, mainly triggered by eating sweets or hot/cold food/drinks. In this case you should visit us. The most important thing is to see your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any symptoms. The sooner treatment is given, the smaller the lesion and the easier and quicker it will be to correct.

What is biomimetic restoration?

Micro hybrid composite material layered and built up using an adhesive technique to create a lifelike tooth filling. So-called chameleon effect, it will blend in perfectly with its surroundings. The aspect is not only that the filling material best matches the properties of the lost tooth tissue, but also that it functions properly. As a first step, the damaged dentin layer is reconstructed with a fibreglass composite material that prevents the tooth from cracking. In the second step, we layer the tooth with microhybrid composite until we achieve the desired restoration. This way the result is natural, durable and as real as new.

At the Aestella Clinic, our excellent professionals are only premium category materials from are used, which has the outstanding wear resistance, durable and resistant will be, in addition is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Biomimetic tomes elotte utana Alexa Krisztina 001Biomimetic tomes elotte utana Alexa Krisztina